
Several studies have pointed out the link between irrigation and the risk of exposure to zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL). The Elhechria community from the Sidi Bouzid region is particularly concerned with ZCL prevalence. Moreover, the zone experienced anarchic extension of the irrigable areas outside the public irrigated perimeter (PIP), which has worsened the situation. Through adopting an ecosystem health approach, this research aims to identify alternatives to improve the economic and social well-being of farmers in order to decrease exposure risk. To address this issue, a field survey was carried out with 130 farmers. Descriptive analysis allowed the identification of representative farming systems inside and outside the PIP. Through linear programming, we have developed a regional model to determine optimal activities that maximize farmers’ revenue. The results showed that farmers’ livelihoods depend on irrigated activities and that all farmers are reluctant to limit them. In terms of the economic environment, farmers claimed that having access to more facilities at which to buy inputs and sell their products would benefit them. Through reconfiguring the cropping pattern, the model showed optimal uses of water resources. Substantial improvement of the farmers’ revenue might be achieved through enhancing the role of local institutions to build the needed facilities. Hence, one expects an eventual improvement of farmers’ well-being toward fighting the disease.

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