
Information on how application of irrigation affects vegetable production can help growers improve efficiency and profitability. Irrigation was applied by sprinkler with approximately 5 cm at 1000 or 1400 hr either once a week or split between two applications in a week to bell and non-pungent jalapeño peppers, both Capsicum annuum L., in 2009 and 2010. There were differences in precipitation between years with 2009 receiving more rainfall than in 2010. Interactions of year and irrigation frequency and time of day irrigation was applied, affected yields of non–pungent jalapeño. In 2009, irrigating twice a week produced yields in non-pungent jalapeño pepper plants that were 2.5-fold and 1.8-fold higher, respectively, than those irrigated once a week. Differences in yield appeared to be due to amounts and distribution of precipitation occurring in conjunction with irrigation rather than irrigation alone. Additional research is needed to better determine the interaction of irrigation and precipitation on pepper plant development and yield.

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