
Cutting and Packing problems are hard Combinatorial Optimization problems that naturally arise in all industries and services where raw-materials or space must be divided into smaller non-overlapping items, so that waste is minimized. All the Cutting and Packing problems have in common the existence of a geometric sub-problem, originated by the natural item non-overlapping constraints. An important class of Cutting and Packing problems are the Irregular Packing problems that occur when raw materials have to be cut into items with irregular shapes. Irregular Packing problems, also known as Nesting problems, naturally arises in the garment, footwear, tools manufacturing and shipbuilding industries, among others. Each industrial application has its owns particular issues mainly related to the raw material's specific characteristics. Several challenges remain open in the Irregular Packing problems field. Some are due to the combinatorial nature of these problems. Others are of geometric nature, due to the non-convex and non-regular geometry of the items involved. Moreover these geometric challenges do not allow the combinatorial ones being properly tackled. This paper is mainly focused on presenting and discussing efficient tools and representations to tackle the geometric layer of nesting algorithms that capture the needs of the real-world applications of Irregular Packing problems.

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