
Irradiation tests on many diagnostic components have been carried out as a part of the R&D program of the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA). Five kinds of ITER round robin fibers were irradiated in JMTR and60Co γ-rays. Induced transmission loss of those fibers are much smaller than that of pure SiO2 core fiber. Especially, KU-H2G from Russian Federation and F-doped fibers from Japan have rather good radiation hardness even in the visible range. Those fibers might be available in the diagnostic port of ITER. The transmissivity of KU-1 quartz, which is a candidate of the window material for UV and visible spectroscopy in ITER, was measured under the irradiation of 14 MeV neutrons and γ-rays in the UV range (200 - 400 nm). Significant transmission loss was observed in the wavelength range of 200-300 nm. The Mica substrate bolometer was irradiated in JMTR during three irradiation cycles. Total neutron fluence was about 1×1024 n/m2 which was equivalent to 0.1 dpa. Significant increase in the meander resistance was observed, which was causedby the nuclear transmutation of gold into mercury. The use of gold meanders might be problematic in ITER.

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