
It is not clear whether accelerated aging of garlic seed enhances or ameliorates adverse effects of gamma irradiation. Seeds of garlic (Allium sativum L.) were exposed to gamma irradiation at doses of 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 600 Gray (Gy), which was followed by accelerated aging (RH 100%, 42°C) for 12 hours. Radiation doses significantly affected the percentage of normal seedlings produced, percentage of abnormal types of seedlings, and seedling growth. Seed viability, leachate conductivity, total germination percentage, germination speed, and time to reach 50% germination (T 50) were not affected by irradiation. Accelerated aging after irradiation significantly influenced seed viability, conductivity of seed leachates, total germination percentage, and percentage of normal seedlings formed. Germination speed, T 50, and seedling growth were not affected by the accelerated aging. All parameters studied were significantly affected by the combination of radiation dose and accelerated aging. Accelerated aging generally enhanced the damaging effects of irradiation on seeds. Garlic seeds should not be exposed to accelerated aging after irradiation.

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