
The primitive home of the Iroquoian stock was, according to Brinton,' in the district between the lower St Lawrence and Hudson bay. Their historical area, exclusive of the Cherokee offshoot and cognate tribes in the Virginia-Carolina country (with its Hinterland), is represented on the Powell linguistic map by an irregular triangular extension from a point about two-thirds the distance between the mouths of the Ottawa and the Saguenay, the base-line of which runs from the head of Chesapeake bay to central Ohio and southern Michigan. The lines of the excursions and forays of the Iroquois outside this area led to St John's river in New Brunswick, to the interior of Massachusetts and parts of Maine in New England, far into the Ohio-Mississippi valley and along the northern shore of Lake Huron, whither they went in pursuit of the Ojibwa and other tribes. Besides these warlike expeditions, the energy and spirit of adventure of the Iroquois have asserted themselves in other and more peaceful directions. Their intelligence and their ability as canoemen led the whites who had to do with the fur-trade and the ex-

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