
Background & Introduction: Blood, a specialized connective tissue, facilitates the vital transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, minerals, hormones, and salts throughout the body. Anemia, characterized by reduced oxygen-carrying capacity, often stems from factors such as diminished red blood cell (RBC) synthesis or excessive blood loss. Notably, iron deficiency stands out as a prominent cause, particularly among females of reproductive age, due to factors like inadequate dietary iron intake and menstrual blood loss. Objectives: This study aims to assess the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in both males and females across different age groups. Specifically, we seek to determine the frequency of IDA and its distribution among age cohorts spanning 6-12 years, 13-19 years, and 20-50 years. Methodology: Employing a cross-sectional study design, we surveyed a population of 2071 individuals, selecting a sample of 3[1]24 participants through non-probability convenient sampling methods. Descriptive statistics, facilitated by SPSS, guided our analysis. Hematological parameters including hemoglobin (HB) levels, RBC count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) were evaluated to ascertain the hematological status of the study cohort. Results: Our findings reveal notable trends in IDA prevalence across age groups. Among participants aged 16-30 years, IDA incidence stood at 51%, whereas the 31-35 years age group exhibited a 26% prevalence, and the 46-60 years age group recorded a 23% incidence of IDA. Additionally, our analysis indicates a higher prevalence of IDA among females, constituting 65% of all IDA cases, particularly pronounced in the reproductive age bracket of 16-30 years. Conclusion: The study underscores a gender-based discrepancy in IDA prevalence, with females exhibiting a higher incidence compared to males. Notably, females within the reproductive age range of 16-30 years emerge as a particularly vulnerable demographic. These findings emphasize the importance of targeted interventions to address iron deficiency, especially among at-risk populations.

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