
The relevance of iron deficiency issues is due to the high frequency and tendency to steady growth, affecting the quality of life of the population. Pregnant, lactating women and young children are at high risk of developing iron deficiency conditions. Among pregnant women, a direct correlation was found between iron deficiency in the early stages of gestation and the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, lower indicators of physical, psychomotor development of children. Materials and methods. A prospective cohort study of 248 mother-child pairs was conducted. Pregnant, lactating women: the main group-women who received iron preparations during registration-106 persons, the comparison group-those who did not receive iron preparations-142. Inclusion criteria: absence of exacerbation of chronic pathology, allergic reactions, gastrointestinal pathology, infectious diseases. The women were examined at the end of the 3rd trimester and the postpartum period. Catamnestic observation was carried out for 248 children born to pregnant women. All children were observed with the informed consent of their parents. The duration of observation was up to a year. The children of the main group (106) and the comparison group (142) were singled out. Children of the main group on natural feeding (98) were divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup - 47 children whose mothers received iron preparations during lactation, the second subgroup - 51 children whose mothers did not receive iron subsidies. An assessment of the somatic status, a general clinical examination was carried out. Results and Discussion.Based on the data obtained using the statistical method of analysis, it was found that iron deficiency in the antenatal period significantly increased the frequency of premature birth, caused a deficiency of birth weight, heart disease, and led to a high frequency of viral infections in pregnant women. In newborns, from mothers who did not receive the iron preparation, a high frequency of latent iron deficiency (LID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) was noted. Newborns from the comparison group, according to the results of laboratory diagnostics, were treated with LID and IDA, however, lower indicators of physical development, NPR remained until 6 months. In the postnatal period, there was a direct correlation between the prophylactic intake of iron preparations by a nursing mother and the occurrence of latent iron deficiency and IDA in a child. Conclusion. The data obtained allow us to speak about the high effectiveness of preventive iron supplementation by a pregnant and lactating woman, to reduce the risk of pathological pregnancy and childbirth, affecting the indicators of physical and neuropsychic development (NPD) of a newborn and an infant. Even with the timely elimination of iron deficiency in a newborn, the delay in physical and NPR is noted up to 6 months. The analysis of the effect of iron deficiency in pregnant and nursing mothers on the course of the antenatal period, childbirth and the state of the child’s health dictates the need for prevention from the standpoint of a personalized approach.

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