
Ferruginous conditions, defined by anoxia and abundant dissolved ferrous iron (Fe2+aq), dominated the Precambrian oceans but are essentially non-existent in a modern, oxygenated world. Ferruginous meromictic lakes represent natural laboratories to ground truth our understanding of the stable Fe isotope proxy, which has been used extensively in interpreting the origins of Fe-rich sedimentary rocks like iron formations (IFs) and the interactions of early life with high-Fe2+aq conditions. Here we report comprehensive geochemical and Fe isotopic analyses of samples collected in May and August 2022, and March 2023, from Deming Lake, Minnesota, a ferruginous meromictic lake that undergoes surface freezing in winter and never becomes euxinic. Through chemical and Fe isotopic analyses of different putative Fe sources to Deming Lake; including eolian input trapped in winter ice cover, nearby bogs, and regional groundwaters sampled at surface springs; we find that a groundwater source provides the best chemical and Fe isotopic match for Deming Lake and can support Fe2+aq-rich waters at depth that maintain a permanent chemocline at ∼12 m. The ice-free Deming Lake water column can be split into three layers dominated by distinct Fe cycling regimes. Layer (I) extends from the lake surface to the base of the oxycline at ∼6 m, and its Fe cycling is dominated by isotopically light Fe uptake into biomass, likely from stabilized dissolved Fe3+, with variable eolian lithogenic influences. Layer (II) extends between the oxycline and the chemocline at ∼12 m and is dominated by partial Fe2+aq oxidation on approach to the oxycline, with the formation of variably isotopically heavy Fe3+-bearing particles. Layer (III) underlies the chemocline and is defined by Fe2+ phosphate (vivianite) and carbonate saturation and precipitation under anoxic, Fe2+aq-rich conditions with little Fe isotopic fractionation. The ice-covered winter water column features more homogenous Fe chemistry above the chemocline, which we attribute to seasonal homogenization of Layers (I) and (II), with suppressed ferric particle formation. Authigenic Fe minerals with non-crustal (light) Fe isotopic compositions only appreciably accumulate in sediments in Deming Lake underlying the chemocline. All sediments deposited above 12 m appear crustal in their Fe isotopic, Mn/Fe, and Fe/Al ratios, likely revealing efficient reductive dissolution of Fe3+-bearing lake precipitates and remineralization of Fe-bearing biomass. We find limited fractionation of Fe isotopes in the ice-covered water column and suggest this provides evidence that substantial delivery of oxidants is required to generate highly fractionated Fe isotopic compositions in Sturtian Snowball era IFs. By comparing Fe isotopic and Mn/Fe fractionation trends in the different Deming Lake layers, we also suggest that correlations between these two parameters in giant early Paleoproterozoic IFs requires the simultaneous deposition of multiple authigenic phases on the ancient seafloor. Finally, high-precision triple Fe isotopic analyses of dissolved Fe impacted by extensive oxidation near the Deming Lake oxycline reveal that the slope of the mass fractionation law for natural, O2-mediated Fe2+aq oxidation is identical to those previously defined for both UV photo-oxidation, and for an array of highly fractionated Paleoproterozoic IFs.

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