
Part 1 Production and characteristics of metal chelator: classes of microbial siderophores, M. Hofte biochemical and genetic analysis of siderophores produced by plant-associated Pseudomonas spp. and Erwinia spp, C.A. Ischimaru and J.E. Loper growth conditions for the demonstration of siderophores and iron repressible outer membrane proteins in soil bacteria, with an emphasis on free-living diazotrophs, W.J. Page production of phytosiderophores, S.-I Takagi plant and microbial ferritins, E.C. Theil and T. Hase glutathione-derived metal-binding polypeptides and metallothioneins, P.J. Jackson and C.R. Kuske. Part 2 Enzymes and interactive systems: overview of bacterial iron transport and siderophore systems in Rhizobia, J.B. Neilands iron and the nodule, M.L. Guerinot kinetics, energetics, and mechanisms of siderophore-iron transport in fungi, G. Winkelmann enzymatic reduction of iron in siderophores, J.S. Lodge the role of iron in fungal phytopathologies, I, Barash, et al the role of iron in the suppression of bacterial-plant pathogens by fluorescent Pseudomonas, A.H.M. Bakker and B. Schippers ferrochelatase and related enzymes, L.L. Barton three genetically distinct nitrogenase systems in Asotobacter vinelandii, P.E. Bishop. Part 3 Physiological and chemical characteristics of the iron stress response: iron and plant pigments, J. Abadia and A. Abadia plant iron uptake physiology by non-siderophore systems, G.W. Welkie and G.W. Miller selected physiological responses associated with Fe(III) and Fe(II) metabolism, G.V. Johnson and L.L. Barton a case study with soy-beans - iron-efficiency evaluations in field tests versus controlled conditions, S. Rodriquez de Cianzio assays for microbial siderophores, F.A. Fekete Mossbauer spectroscopy, E.V. Mielczarek sample preparation and determination of iron in biological material, Q. Wallace and J.B. Jones, Jr evaluation of iron in soil samples, R.C. Hartwig and R.H. Loeppert.

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