
Biometric authentication systems offer accurate, fast, and user-friendly method for verifying the identity of an individual due to which they are widely deployed in various places including airports. Biometric authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user with biometric traits such as face, iris, fingerprint, retina, DNA, etc. The development of cloud storage and cloud computing makes it attractive for the agencies to outsource the biometric data to an untrusted third party at a low cost. But it raises many privacy concerns for individuals. An excellent way to deal with these privacy concerns is to store the encrypted data in a cloud and perform verification on encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption schemes allow verification on encrypted data. This work discusses an algorithm for implementation of an efficient privacy-preserving biometric authentication system based on NTRU post-quantum cryptosystem. Extensive simulation studies are conducted to verify that the proposed algorithm offers very good accuracy without causing any privacy leakage.

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