
There are currently two issues of concern in society. First, is the deterioration in the quality of life of the elderly due to frequently missing hospital appointments. Skipping hospital appointments often leads to more serious and costly health problems. Usually, a family member is the one accompanying them to the hospital. However, due to some limitations, they may not always be available. Second, Malaysia's unemployment rate rose to 4.7 percent in October 2020 due to the Movement Control Order (MCO). IRING TemaniKu offers a solution. It creates job opportunities as chaperones to accompany the elderly to the hospital. The aims of this project are to (1) design features for the platformization process of the Apps, (2) develop a Grab-Style integrated App of e-Healthcare chaperone services for elderly companionship, and (3) develop a proof-of-concept prototype with market acceptance and technology validation. Methodologically, there are three phases of application development, namely: analysis, product development, and product implementation. IRING TemaniKu is unique compared to its competitors. It offers an integrated application of e-health escort services for the elderly. It is a Grab-Style App that combines functions for users (elderly), chaperones, and administrators. It started with the elderly requesting a trip to the hospital, followed by chaperone matching. The trusted chaperone would escort the elderly to and from home and hospitals over a timed duration. The chaperone is responsible not only for accompanying the elderly during the medical consultation but also for ensuring that all medical procedures and related matters are followed. They need to update the information and the doctors’ advice for family members. Applications end with payment and customer satisfaction ratings. It is hoped that the quality of life of the elderly will improve as they faithfully adhere to hospital appointments. As for the unemployed, being a chaperone is a solution.

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