
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan. While theflare-up in China is about over, this exceedingly irresistible sickness is right presently spreading over theworld. A poor practices and understanding of the disease among Iraqi population may lead to rapid spreadof the infection. Objective: the point of this think about was to survey practices of Iraqi populationregarding government strategies to control COVID 19 and to identify level of practices among different Iraqicities.Methods: Cross-sectional web-based research was carry out among Iraqi population about COVID-19during the period from 15th April 2020 to 1st June 2020. 700 participants were share from Iraqi governorates.The participants was collected from (7) cities (Baghdad, Basra, Najaf, Thigar, Misan, Karbala and Mosul).From each city (100) participants were shares. The data was collected through the uses Google form. FromIraqi governorate strategies and WHO recommendations concerning prevent of infection. The researcher useSPSS version 20 for data analysis by using frequencies and percentages and mean of score were produced.Mean of score rating: always=3, sometimes=2, never=1. Results: the majority of study samples (47.7%)were within (20-29 years). More than half of participants are male (65.4%). Relative to the educationallevel, the majority of study sample (65.9. %) were Secondary school graduate. Practices of Iraqi populationregarding COVID 19 controls at home in all items are inadequate and very low less than (1.33).also thepractices of Iraqi population regarding COVID 19 control out of home had low mean of score in all items.However the average of means score (1.42). Conclusions: The study concluded that Iraqi community hasinadequate practices to prevent speared of COVID-19 because the population not respects ministry of Iraqihealth strategies. Health education should urgently be conducted focusing on hand washing, uses sanitizer,social distancing, avoid crowded, uses mask and gloves.

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