
Everything in the world become digitally nowadays. International world organization's reports showed a very dark view and bad visions about the educational system in Iraq. Two big ministries for education and higher education with good numbers of workers in this sector. Because of the lack of the experience and good planners and other factors, our education system still focuses on the traditional teaching and learning methods like face to face old method. The digital facts about Iraq show us that the society are ready to transform towards new electronic learning methods. If we keep our traditional methods, we rob the future of our students. The research shows the Iraqi higher education roadmap towards raising the learning efficiency by adoption of e-learning approaches and applications. A trial start very slowly in 2015 without any kind of supporting and have achieved a lot of its goals and enter new zones in the education world like MOOCs, Higher Education Atlas, Academic Monitoring system and complete learning platforms and adopt new pedagogical and ICT concepts to the Iraqi higher education systems. Start with raising the e-learning culture between Iraqi academics (30 activity, distributed between conferences, meetings, workshops in different Iraqi universities) (public and private), 10 Iraqi e-learning design solutions, executing and testing its software's, with a lot of trials show us the correct way at the end which are the merging between our Iraqi e-learning solutions and the web applications in an Iraqi mosaicked blended e-learning platforms. As a result with taken into consideration the Iraqi universities independencies, we have write a road map for re building our Iraqi society and make it knowledge society with adoption of e-learning and lifelong learning.

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