
Iraqis are marching with open eyes into civil war. The party most responsible for this course of events is al-Qaeda, with associated Islamic nihilists and Saddam-era henchmen. They have openly declared their intention to ignite civil war by committing gruesome acts of mass murder targeted against Iraq's Shia. Such a strategy is perfectly in tune with the apocalyptic designs of al-Qaeda and the blood thirst of its Iraqi allies. But mainstream Iraqi politicians both in power and in opposition are playing their part in fanning the flames. There are a few courageous and increasingly beleaguered spiritual leaders, public figures, activists and professionals who are refusing to be swept up by the sectarian fever. Among them are some quite powerful figures like Ayatollah Sistani. Attempts at opening up the political process should focus on these leaders rather than trying to match extremists from one community with extremists from the other.

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