
This study is qualitative research and is descriptive in nature. It starts with the cataclysmic events of 9/11 and the influence of US War on Terror on Iran and Pakistan. The war was realized by Iran and Pakistan with awe and shock. Initially, Iran cooperated the US, but soon President George Bush's fiery speech estranged Iran. While Pakistan, under duress became a front lien State in the War on Terror. Therefore, the two countries took different directions, and their relations were somewhat strained. There were also many other reasons such as Jundallah factor, controversial Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, US sanctions, and Iranian nuclear deal, border trade issue, Saudi-Phenomenon, competing Gwadarcs Chabahar ports, Indo-Iranian collaboration, which impacted the relations between the two countries. All this indicates that there was no warmth in relations between the two countries, and there was an element of mistrust.

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