
Ira Dyer was one of the first hires by Leo Beranek for the fledgling company Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN). Ira in turn hired many of the now recognized pioneers in ocean, structural; and ocean acoustics and formed the BBN Applied Research Division. Members investigated all aspects of sound and vibration in ships, submarines, aircraft, and spacecraft. An example includes during the mid-1950s, Ira helped design the US Navy X-1 Submarine, a small four-man quiet diesel-electric submarine for ADM Rickover. BBN designed an innovative engine mounting system that quieted the vehicle and led the way for ultra-quiet submarines in the future Navy. This submarine is now on display at the Navy Submarine Museum at Groton, CT. Other contributions by members include SEA (statistical energy analysis) and criteria for modeling flow-excitation forcing functions to structural radiation. Ira created a golden era for acoustics at BBN.

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