
We describe herein magnetic resonance (MR) features of ipsilateral mamillary body atrophy after infarction of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) territory. During the period May 2000 through July 2004, 13 patients with infarction of the PCA territory underwent cranial MR imaging in the chronic stage. Two 1.5-T scanners were used to obtain axial T1- and T2-weighted images with conventional spin-echo and fast spin-echo pulse sequences, respectively. The slice thickness was 6 mm, with a 2-mm interslice gap. Five of the 13 patients with PCA territory infarction had ipsilateral mamillary body atrophy. However, this asymmetry of the mamillary bodies was unclear in two of the five patients because of the thickness of the axial image slices. All five patients had a temporo-parieto-occipital infarction. The remaining eight patients had a parieto-occipital or an occipital infarction. Unilateral transneuronal mamillary body degeneration after infarction of the ipsilateral PCA territory including the posteromedial temporal lobe can be detected on conventional thick axial MR images.

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