
Back to table of contents Previous article Next article APA InstituteFull AccessIPS Offers Opportunities to Discuss Critical IssuesWesley Sowers, M.D.Wesley SowersSearch for more papers by this author, M.D.Published Online:7 Sep 2007https://doi.org/10.1176/pn.42.17.0019aThe 59th Institute on Psychiatric Services will be held October 11 to 14 in New Orleans on the theme “Recovery: Patients, Families, Communities.” It goes without saying that New Orleans is a most appropriate venue to consider issues related to recovery. Although that community has made great strides toward regaining its past ambiance and vitality, much work remains to be done, and much assistance will continue to be needed. The symbolic import of this great city to the work of psychiatry will not be lost on participants during this institute.One way that attendees can become involved in the content of the conference is through participation in the discussion group format. This format is perhaps self-explanatory, but a brief description may be helpful to those who have not previously participated in it. Each 90-minute discussion group focuses on a topic that is particularly timely or relevant to the provision of psychiatric care. A discussion leader with expertise in the topic provides brief background information and introduces questions or issues that might be considered in the discussion. The remainder of the session is unprogrammed, giving all participants an opportunity to enter the ensuing discourse.This year's institute offers 17 discussion groups scattered throughout the four days of the meeting. Several of the groups are related to professional development and how psychiatrists can expand their influence. APA President Carolyn Robinowitz, M.D., will lead a discussion on “Advocacy: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?” APA President-elect Nada Stotland, M.D., will cover the topic “You Can Make the Media Work for You” in her group. APA Secretary-Treasurer Donna Norris, M.D., will facilitate a group discussion on “The Quest for Personal and Professional Balance.”A number of discussion groups on clinically oriented topics will be offered as well. “Rational Polypharmacy With Children and Adolescents: Is it Possible?” is one such offering and will be facilitated by Steve Jewel, M.D. David Mee-Lee, M.D., will lead a group discussion on “What They Didn't Teach You About Addiction Patients and How to Engage Them in Treatment.” William McFarlane, M.D.'s topic is “Biosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia: Barriers and Promise.” “Engaging Environments: Moving From Coercion Using Trauma Informed Care” will be led by Margaret Bennington-Davis, M.D.Another common topic in discussion groups is social issues and the profession's relationship to them. Ken Thompson, M.D., will lead a discussion on working with special populations that are often underserved. Curtis Adams, M.D., will be leading a group with the intriguing title “Why Won't Bill Cosby Be Quiet? Class, Culture, and the Airing of Dirty Laundry.” Other discussion groups include “Psychiatric Services in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” led by Daniel Winstead, M.D.; “Doing Outreach: Art or Science?,” led by Anthony Ng, M.D.; and “Is the Recovery Movement a True Human Rights Transformation?,” led by Joel Feiner, M.D.Finally, there will be a couple of sessions with special relevance to psychiatry residency training. Carol Bernstein, M.D., will lead a group on“ Preparing for Residency,” and Michael Garrett, M.D., will lead two related sessions: “For Educators: Experiential Exercises to Teach the Phenomenology of Psychoses” and “Experiential Exercises Linking Psychoses and Ordinary Mind.”All in all, the institute will clearly provide an impressive array of discussion topics to which participants can bring their own expertise and share their experiences. ▪Wesley Sowers, M.D., is a member of the Scientific Program Committee of the Institute on Psychiatric Services. ISSUES NewArchived

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