
Hyperthyroidism is a rare clinical entity in paediatric age. In most cases the etiology is autoimmune and goiter represents the typical presentation. Ophthalmopathy is rare and can precede the diagnosis of autoimmune hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis caused by the hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis must be carefully distinguished from Graves’ disease (GD), since the first condition has a better prognosis for spontaneous remission. Three treatment options are currently available for the management of paediatric GD. First-line therapy is antithyroid drugs, while thyroidectomy and radioiodine are considered on relapse. A lower remission rate and a higher risk of adverse events are observed after the first course of methimazole in childhood with respect to adulthood. Children and adolescents may require a prolonged antithyroid treatment, but an overall consensus regarding the optimal regimen is lacking.

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