
The Oil, Gas and Petrochemical (OGP) projects are more complex than Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) projects. Therefore, the use of methods and technologies that can execute the OGP projects at an acceptable level of risk within all the constraints are much needed. Nowadays, benefits of the modern construction management methods and technologies, such as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the AEC projects, have been proven and a few OGP companies have used these methods partially. This research study has shown rare evidence for using these modern methods in the OGP projects, while the OGP industry stays at a higher level in terms of knowledge than the AEC industry. So, it is focused to investigate if IPD and BIM can be integrated complementary and synergistically in OGP projects and to draw requirements of this collaboration. To do this, the critical library studies which identify the key parameters of IPD/BIM integration and interviews with OGP experts are combined. Conclusions clarified that IPD and BIM cannot achieve their full capacity without collaboration. Hence the requirements for their collaboration in the OGP projects are investigated. In addition, important shortages related to their collaboration are highlighted.

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