
Internet of Things (IoT) is making next transformation within the world of web. It provides intelligent amenities to the society. India is also not lagging behind to make use of IoT technology and because of this more cities are becoming smart in the country. Even though, 70% population in Indian towns is facing many challenges like garbage management, electricity and water supply. Electricity board in the township has many issues to provide the service at the expected level. One of the major issues is related to electricity losses which are of two types, technical and non-technical losses. Technical losses happen due to properties of materials utilized in transmission and dispersion system. Non-technical losses are electricity theft which includes tampering meters, unpaid bills, electric line tampering. Majority of the meter tampering issues have been resolved by taking smart meters into the picture but the line tampering issue still persists. The steps to solve line tampering problems include placing smart meters by removing lines which is exorbitant and time consuming. Thus, the paper provides unadorned and efficient way to solve the problem by IoT to detect the amount of electricity theft. There is provision for automatic cut of power using Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi3 when lines are connected in parallel, the electricity received is more than provided. Theft location is reported to the admin via sms using SIM808 module. These things are monitored and managed by admin from remote place on the application to save the investigation time, energy, cost in a most efficient way possible. The results obtained are the comparisons between current v/s time with and without tampering. Also, the cost recurred when tampering is avoided.

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