
In this study, we present a cutting-edge IoT- based security system tailored for Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) with a primary focus on theft prevention. The core component of the system is an Arduino Uno microcontroller that orchestrates the seamless integration of various devices. A MEMS sensor strategically placed on the ATM door detects tilting, signaling potential unauthorized access. Upon detection, a servo motor is activated, releasing harmful gases as a deterrent to intruders. Simultaneously, a loud buzzer alerts nearby individuals, and an SMS notification is dispatched to predefined contacts to notify relevant authorities. To ensure the prompt containment of the situation. To augment the system's surveillance capabilities, an IP camera is incorporated to provide real-time streaming of the ATM's surroundings. This live feed enhances monitoring and allows for remote assessment of potential security threats. The integration of an LCD display serves as an intuitive user interface, offering real-time status updates and feedback on the security system's functionality. By combining these components, our proposed IoT-based ATM security system aims to deliver a comprehensive solution that not only deters potential theft but also actively responds to security breaches, ensuring the safety and integrity of ATM operations. Keywords: ATM, Theft Detection, Servo motor, DC Motor, Harmful gasses.

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