
Smart lights, ovens, and industrial data-gathering equipment are all instances of internet-connected gadgets. With 41.6 billion IoT devices being used, 79.4 ZB of data will be generated by 2025, according to research firm IDC. The earliest IoT gadgets sent information to the cloud for analysis. When sending many billions of gigabytes to the cloud, the data pipeline clogs up. With computing at the edge, IoT gadgets can analyze data without transferring it to a remote server. Data is handled locally, at the “edge” of your network, rather than being transmitted elsewhere. Technology's malleability makes it a valuable tool in the field of education. The specifications for edge computing in IoT networks vary from those of other networks. At the edge, well-suited setting to handle the massive volumes of devices and data generated by the Internet of Things. Several tasks can be moved to the device's edge, which can help keep costs down. The importance of IoT edge computing architecture in education has grown as a result of its deployment in real-time applications. The research simplifies the process of analyzing the structural layout of educational systems by proposing a framework for Internet of Things (IoT) Edge computing in the field of education. There will be a focus on concerns and issues with the IoT that will be brought out by the framework. In this research, potential and pitfalls of using IoT edge computing in education institutions is explored. In addition to this, the research article analyzes the effectiveness of edge computing for Internet of Things applications in an educational environment.

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