
The Internet of Things (IoT) paves the way to interact with the smart objects namely sensors, hardware, circuits and software. Research in IoT ensures that collecting, processing and distributing the data needs to be improved to carryout data aggregation, processing and dissemination tasks of IoT data management. Data Processing focuses on the characteristics Velocity, Volume, Variety, Variability, and Veracity. IoT Data Management may further be categorized as Communication, Storage and Processing. Data communication involves data processing among objects, sensor data and hardware. To store the data, Cloud or distributed storage is used and processing involves filtering and analytics. Data dissemination distributes the processed data to end users. Message-delay in multi-hop massive IoT network is significantly optimized. This chapter enumerates the IoT data management frameworks, challenges and issues. Also, deployment of IoT Data management for smart home and smart city is described.

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