
Abstract: As we all know that, water is life. And getting clean and pure water in our day-to-day life is becoming harder by the each passing day. Due the tremendous increase in pollution in water this is leading to poor health and unfulfilled need day to day needs of the mankind. Such increment inpollution of water is mainly seen in the rural areas. So, this particular project is aiming to find the solution for the increasing water pollution in different water bodies like lakes, ponds, etc. This project mainly contains the RC boat which willour inbuilt pollution detecting system. The main components ofthe system contain sensors like pH senor, and Turbidity senor, these sensors collect the value from the water bodies and send itto the thingspeak website. After that processing is being done onthe collected data and it will monitor the pollution level in the water. By creating this system, it becomes easier for us to detect and monitor the amount of trash or pollution being present in any water body. And further my knowing this it will help in theprevention of polluted water as well as treating the polluted water.

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