
In rapidly expanding environment where vehicle is an essential commodity, finding vehicle parking slot now-a-days-becoming one of the key concerning issues in our day to day life and is often causing traffic congestion during the peak hours as the vehicle density is more. If the user gets the perfect info about the parking slot they will not burn through their time searching for parking spots or park improperly due lack of data. The above problem can be addressed through IoT based smart parking system. The system sends the users some real time data about the closest parking zone and gives accessibility of parking place in that particular zone. It mainly focuses on decreasing time for searching the parking slot and enabling user to bypass already filled parking slots. The monitoring is done through a ultrasonic sensor or infrared sensor to get real time parking space. The data sensed by the sensor is transmitted to NODEMCU ESP8266 and in turn with the help of internet it is also transferred to web page. The web page will help the user in finding the available parking slot by displaying the vacant slots. Therefore, it decreases the fuel consumption which in turn reduces carbon impressions in the environment. More over the web application based vehicle parking will facilitate in better way as almost every individual uses a smart phone these days. can be useful in reducing unauthorized parking and this can help with the traffic jams that we see daily.

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