
The idea is to create a system based on Smart City.In the present day scenario, many times we see that the garbage bins or dust bins placed at public places in the cities are overflowing due to increase in waste every day. It creates unhygienic condition for the people and creates bad smell around the surroundings.This leads in spreading some deadly diseases & human illness,to avoid such a situation we are planning to design an IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System for Cities.In this proposed System there are multiple dustbins located throughout the city.They are fitted with a special type of sensors known as ultrasonic sensor which is used to detect the level of garbage in these dustbins.This data is then send to the Arduino microcontroller, which receives this data.This is send to the IoT board via a level converter.The IoT board uses a sim card for transfer of data to the cloud.The garbage values are continuously updated in the web page. A unique ID will be provided for every dustbin in the city so that garbage level can be monitored.These details can be accessed by the concerned authorities from their place with the help of Internet and an immediate action can be made to clean the dustbin.When the dustbin is full a message is also send via GSM to the concerned authorities. Along with this we incorporate the concept of Street Light Control. The street lights will be automated for switching ON and switching OFF based on intensity of sunlight using LDR.It helps to automatically turn on the street light when it is dark and automatically turn it OFF when there is light.It can also be controlled remotely using a web page. In case of any fault in a street light concerned authority will get the notification.This system of street light control uses a driver circuit to drive the low power from Arduino microcontroller to regulate the current flow.Here additionally a relay is used to control the turning ON and OFF of the streetlight.

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