
In today’s scenario all the technologies are operated in automatic condition from anywhere around the world. Based on our government system first 100 unit of energy is not calculated by energy meter, which is used to calculate the electricity consumed unit in the consumer node. Generally the IoT’s are used for home automation application such as fan and lamp was controlled by mobile phones based on cloud platform. The existing microcontroller is used to control only one data at a time for cloud based process. However to control the data but cannot provide continues energy to the consumer node. This cloud platform is only stores the dates and control to the controller parts with use of ThinkSpeak website. But in this paper deals with monitoring the energy from the solar and energy meter with help of Arduino controller and home automation is done by IoT with Esp8266 Wifi module. This module is used for control both the data’s and monitoring the energy level of the consumer side. The data from solar and energy meter is sent to the cloud through the Wi-fi module and these data’s are dumped into the arudino controller. The controller controls both the data’s parallely with help of IoT and data’s are displayed in LCD. Thus the results of IoT energy from solar and energy meter are provides continues energy to the consumer for home appliances.

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