
The demand for electricity is being increased in the World. Many of the consumers are using traditional electricity meters in their homes. These days most of the homes are connected to Internet via Wi-Fi. The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology enables an Internet-based monitoring system to statistically collect information and display them accordingly. In this, the Information related to measurement of electrical energy parameters, such as real time measurement of voltage, current and power can be obtained. The information is then designed to an internet-based real time monitoring system for electrical energy consumption inside the house. The electricity consumption on a monthly basis can be observed by the user through a user-friendly mobile application and a webpage. These webpages can be connected to the electricity service provider in order to generate electricity bills automatically. The real time values are converted to units (kW/h) and sent to the database through Internet. Since the results can be seen through the webpage and a mobile app, the user may have some idea of reducing consumption of electricity than earlier. This device can be implemented to reduce the human dependency in collecting the monthly reading and minimize the technical problems encountered during billing process. The proposed smart energy meter controls and calculates the energy consumption using ESP 8266 12E, a Wi-Fi module and uploads it to the cloud from where the consumer or producer can view the reading. Therefore, energy analyzation by the consumer becomes much easier and controllable. This system also helps in detecting power theft. Thus, this smart meter helps in home automation using IoT and enabling wireless communication which is a great step towards Digital India.

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