
Developments in the field of Information Technology also make Information Security a devoted part of it. In order to deal with security, Authentication plays an imperative role. In this paper, Biometrics is used for authentication. This paper also describes how biometrics can leverage cloud's boundless computational resources and striking properties of flexibility, scalability, and cost reduction in order to reduce the cost of the biometrics system requirements of different computational resources (i.e. processing power or data storage) and to enhance the performance of biometrics systems’ processes (i.e. biometric matching). Here, Raspberry Pi is used to build a low-cost biometric system. Raspberry Pi (RPi) is a credit-sized mini-computer with great capabilities similar to a PC. In this study it is used as a remote enrollment node. The application of Raspberry Pi and cloud computing has given a new direction of research into the field of Internet-of-Things (IoT). Using the biometric technology, a new system of IoT based biometrics is proposed. To maintain the security of biometric traits over the Internet channel from RPi client to the cloud, cryptographic algorithms are applied like RSA and enhanced AES-256. The encrypted biometric information is stored on the cloud and the authentication can be done by Biometric service hosted on Azure cloud. Thus, this papers covers the following topics: attracting power of biometrics into the authentication services, biometrics leveraging the power of cloud, Raspberry Pi- a low-cost IoT device, enhanced AES-256 with Round structure and dynamic S-box generation and the new emerging trend of Internet-of-Things.

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