
Nowadays current number of working mothers are increased. For that Parents are sending their children’s to the baby care houses they are worried about the secureness, health of the baby So we have proposed a smart Cradle with so many benefits to help a working mother. By this cradle with So many benefits to help working mother. By this cradle working mother can also monitor the babies activities. This cradle is connected to the parents mobile to monitor the babies activities. We have used a many of the sensors to Sense & send the intimation alert messages to the parent, mobile Suppose it the baby is crying then the cradle Start automatically swinging & plays melody songs. the until the baby a Stops Crying Sound Sensors are attached to the cradle by hearing the Sound of the baby the cradle Starts Swinging. we have used a sensor to check the heartbeat, room & baby temperature of the baby. Moisture sensor is used to check whether the baby's diaper is condition is wet. To avoid sending childerns to the baby care houses use this Smart cradle for more benefits & they helps the mother

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