
This paper is completely focused on the difficulties faced by the paralyzed patients and the today technology help these patients to relief them. Currently the physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy and the speech therapy are used to treat the patient who is suffers from paralysis. There is need of the device with this the paralyzed person convey his feelings like pain, hunger and loo. In this paper author purposed an electronic googles that can help the paralyzed person to convey his feelings using the eye blink pattern. The infrared sensor (IR) pair are used to detect the eye blinking pattern. When the IR rays strike to pupil it, large intensity of IR rays is reflected back. When the eye lashes are closed the less amount of IR radiation is reflected back. Two pair of infrared sensors are installed on the both glasses of the google. The blink pattern is pre-programmed in the microcontroller. ESP8266 microcontroller is used to process the all data coming from IR sensor. When the blink pattern is detected the message is sent to the care taker through internet connection.

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