
Abstract The air quality of industry gets affected due to the industrial processing like heating of metals such as steel, copper. The burning and processing alters the level of NitrogenDioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (C02), methane (CH4), and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). The each parameter in the air has to be maintained in safe level. If safe level is not maintained makes discomfort to the human health. The existing methods are measuring the air quality and display it at same station which may handle with less care. The proposed method consists of MQ2, MQ3, MQ6, and MQ9 sensors used to measure CO, CO2, NO2, and CH4 &LPG levels. The sensor gives the analog output. The proposed method uses the Arduino Nano - ATMEGA 168 based controlled to handle the analog sensors. The analog quantity is converted into digital value and which compared with safe limit value by the controller. The measured value is updated in cloud server- web based and Mobile application. The emergency alarm is fixed in the instrument in sound and light form to alert the workers. The device is tested in air polluted industry. The device showed the CO level as 525 PPM, NO2 level as 56 PBP, CO2 level as 164PPM, and mixed gas as 154PSI. The device notified CO level is high. The output is observed in cloud and mobile application.

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