
SmartCity projects growing with the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) and WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) helps to manage assets and resources efficiently. Nowadays air is getting polluted due to industrialization, use of fertilizers and pesticides, urban development, etc. Also seven of the world's ten most polluted cities are in India. A reliable air quality monitoring system followed by required actions helps to limit these adverse effects to a great extent. New studies of energy consumption shows that 18 to 38% of the total energy bill is by street lighting, so this domain needs major attention to increase energy efficiency, by implementing a street light energy saving system. Also the increasing demand for power has led to burning of fossil fuels which in turn adversely effects the environment. The proposed system based on IoT and WSN, implements an efficient street light energy saving system and also gives real time data of air quality so that the authority can manage and take necessary actions to conserve the environment and valuable resources more effectively. With IoT & WSN, intelligent monitoring and management can be achieved. It helps create more efficient and cost effective municipal services and keeping citizens informed and engaged. The existing systems are short range and much power consuming, not suited for sensor nodes in WSN. The proposed system presents a low cost, low power, long range and scalable approach for SmartCity monitoring using LoRa Module based on LoRaWAN protocol which is a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology, which is much more efficient than many existing wireless communication systems. The design of the proposed system includes integrating sensors to the microcontroller, wireless LoRa module for transmitting and receiving sensor values, and ThingSpeak IoT platform for examining and visualizing air quality sensor values which have been uploaded.

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