
Aurel Cosma jr. was undeniably a great personality of Banat, author of various writ-ings, a diarist, journalist, genealogist but most especially a voluminous presence in the archive files. The huge number of manuscripts, the thousands of pages he left behind can always constitute a rich research laboratory for anyone interested in the cultural history of Banat. Of great importance are the files with hundreds of pages of correspondence, some of them published, others still unedited, such as the correspondence with Iosif Jivan from Seleuş (in Serbian Banat). More than one hundred pages of letters between the two men familiarise the reader with the realities of their lives, their daily lives and their concerns in the 8th decade of the 20th century, with their hopes and achievements in the fields of science, research, and the history of Romania. Of real interest are the accounts of meetings with important personalities of the Romanian cultural space, some of whom were at the beginning of their careers, such as Cornelia Bodea, a researcher at the Institute of History in Bucharest, or the already prominent archaeologist Constantin Daicoviciu, a native of Banat, or even the social scientist and journalist Ioan Clopoţel. The descriptions of the meetings belong to Iosif Jivan and were sent to Aurel Cosma jr. with abundant details, impressions left by those concerned that Iosif Jivan reveaks, sensing the importance of those moments, which he shares with his childhood friend, Aurel Cosma jr.

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