
A new implant material, Ionogran TM (Ionos, Medizinische Produkte GmbH & Co. K.G., Germany), is evaluated in a series of 60 cases requiring augmented bone grafting for major bone defects. The material, an ionomeric porous micro implant (IMI), is stable, non-degradable, osteoconductive and biocompatible. It promotes the formation of osteoid and displays a dynamic surface activity which stimulates the process of repair. In the compromised situation of a large cavity following curettage and cryotherapy, Ionogran when mixed with a mulch of autogenous cancellous bone is a valuable filler, providing a direct osteoid bond with host bone, and a permanent scaffold which maintains shape, length and form of the affected part. It replaces allogenic bone grafts and the problems associated with that technique.

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