
The ionization structure of the atmospheres of Wolf-Rayet (WR) and WC stars is studied. The stellar atmospheres were assumed to consist of helium, hydrogen, and carbon. Profiles of the C III l 5696 line are calculated, both for a spherically symmetric atmosphere with a density that decreases monotonically outward and for an atmosphere containing a dense condensation (inhomogeneity). The dependence of line profiles on the parameters of the inhomogeneity is investigated. It is shown that profiles of the C III λ 5696 line calculated assuming no inhomogeneities in the atmosphere are too weak, whereas assuming the existence of inhomogeneities enables one to reconcile the observed and calculated profiles. An equation is obtained relating the mass of an inhomogeneity to the flux in the detail of the total profile of the CIII λ 5696 line formed by that inhomogeneity. This equation is used to construct a stochastic cloud model of the atmosphere of a WR star, consisting of a large number of inhomogeneities in a homogeneous, spherically symmetric stellar wind. In the proposed model, the formation of inhomogeneities was treated as a random process. It is shown that in this model it is possible both to obtain an average line profile corresponding to the observed one and to reproduce the amplitude and overall pattern of variability of profiles in the spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars.

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