
The processes of the formation and dynamics of tenuous gaseous envelopes of icy moons in giant-planet systems are considered. Tenuous exospheres with relatively dense surface layers are likely to form around more massive icy satellites, such as, for example, the Galilean satellites Europa and Ganymede in the Jovian system. Escaping exospheres are formed in the case of low-mass icy moons, as happens for the icy satellite Enceladus in the Saturnian system. The main parent component of such gaseous envelopes is water vapor, which enters into the atmosphere as a result of thermal degassing processes, nonthermal radiolysis, and other active processes and phenomena on the icy surface of a satellite. A numerical kinetic model has been developed to study on a molecular level the processes of the formation, chemical evolution, and dynamics of tenuous gaseous envelopes dominated mainly by H2O. The ionization processes in such tenuous gaseous envelopes are caused by solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation and solar-wind and/or magnetospheric plasma. The primary processes when ultraviolet solar photons and plasma electrons affect the tenuous gas of the H2O-dominated atmosphere are responsible for the chemical diversity of the gaseous envelopes of icy moons. Ionization chemistry, including ion-molecular reactions, dissociative recombination of molecular ions, and the reactions of the charge exchange with magnetospheric ions, is important for the formation of chemical diversity in gaseous envelopes of icy satellites. The model considered in the study was used to numerically simulate the formation and development of chemical diversity in the tenuous gaseous envelope of Enceladus. The numerical results were compared to the direct Cassini measurements during its close flyby near Enceladus.

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