
Samples from the Crassulacean species (Sedum maximum, S. album, S. acre, S. sexangulare, Jovibarba hirta, Sempervivum pittonii) were collected from sites differing in their edaphic conditions throughout the year. The samples were investigated for their cation content to proof their calciotrophic character (molar ratios K/Ca equal or below unity) and for their organic acid pattern.In most cases, low K/Ca ratios were maintained in the shoots even on habitats where Ca2+ was not as abundant as in calcareous soils.Roots, in contrast, tended toward high K+ concentrations although in some plants from serpentine habitats, Mg2+ became the dominant cation either in shoots (J. hirta, Se. pittonii, S. album) or in roots (Se. pittonii, S. acre).Isocitrate concentrations were higher than those of malate and citrate in all species except J. hirta. The concentration of isocitrate was positively correlated with both Ca and cation excess concentrations.

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