
Design of elect ron -bombardment electrostatic ion thrusters to meet or exceed mission specifications are aided wi th computational models . The computational models leverage plasma physics to ascertain performance and stability assessments of candidate thruster s prior to hardware buildup. Specifically, an electron -bombardment electrostatic i on thruster discharge chamber appears trivial because it has no moving mechanical parts; however, design decisions regarding this component a ffect overall thru ster stability, efficiency , and durability. Efficient discharge chamber design activities benefi t from simulated assessments of geometric decisions pertaining to propellant injection schemes, magnet ring locations, and cathode placement that affect propellant neutral distribution , primary electron activity, and single and double ion distributions. This capabili ty is the focus for the NASA Glenn Research Center three dimensional discharge chamber model . This model is an enhancement of the NASA three dimensional primary electron tracking simulation that includes neutral propellant distribution with re spect to a discharge chamber description . This paper presents the computational model structure, employed physics, and simulation results.

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