
The power balance ion heat flux in the pedestal region on DIII-D increases and becomes increasingly anomalous (above conventional neoclassical) in experiments with higher temperature and lower density pedestals where the ion collisionality (νi*) is lowered toward values expected on ITER. Direct measurements of the main-ion temperature are shown to be essential on DIII-D when calculating the ion heat flux due to differences between the temperature of D+ and the more commonly measured C6+ impurity ions approaching the separatrix. Neoclassical transport calculations from NEO and non-linear gyrokinetic calculations using CGYRO are consistent with these observations and show that while neoclassical transport plays an important role, the turbulent ion heat flux due to ion scale electrostatic turbulence is significant and can contribute similar or larger ion heat fluxes at lower collisionality. Beam emission spectroscopy and Doppler backscattering measurements in the steep gradient region of the H-mode pedestal reveal increased broadband, long-wavelength ion scale fluctuations for the low νi* discharges at the radius where the non-linear CGYRO simulations were run. Taken together, increased fluctuations, power balance calculations, and gyrokinetic simulations show that the above neoclassical ion heat fluxes, including the increases at lower νi*, are likely due to weakly suppressed ion scale electrostatic turbulence. These new results are based on world first inferred ion and electron heat fluxes in the pedestal region of deuterium plasmas using direct measurements of the deuterium temperature for power balance across ion collisionalities covering an order of magnitude from high νi* values of 1.3 down to ITER relevant νi* ∼0.1.

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