
We report here in situ measurements of Rb and Sr isotopes in K-rich minerals (muscovite, phlogopite, and K-feldspar) using Sensitive High-Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP). Several grains of the K-rich minerals were extracted from eight granitic rocks with various formation ages and mounted on epoxy-resin disks. Chemical compositions were measured by an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). Then they were set in the source chamber of SHRIMP. A 4-5 nA mass filtered O2- primary beam was used to sputter a 30-μm-diameter flat-bottomed crater and secondary positive ions were extracted by a 10 kV accelerating voltage for mass analysis. A mass resolution of 8900-9300 at 1% peak height was attained to reduce isobaric hydride interferences such as 87RbH+ on 88Sr+. The magnet was cyclically peak-stepped from mass 84 (84Sr and 28Si56Fe) to mass 88 (88Sr and 30Si58Fe), including the background, mass 85 for 85Rb and 29Si56Fe, mass 86 for 86Sr and 30Si56Fe, and mass 87 for 87Rb, 87Sr, and 29Si58Fe, respectively. No SiFe compounds of any mass number contributed significantly for the samples analyzed. Observed 87A/85A ratios (where A is an arbitrary element) were plotted against 88A/85A ratios for each sample. A least-square fitting was made in the diagram. The gradient and Y-intercept correspond to initial 87Sr/88Sr and initial 87Rb/85Rb ratios or present (87Rb/85Rb)+(87Sr*/85Rb) ratios, respectively, where “ * ” denotes radiogenic. The initial 87Sr/88Sr ratios are mostly consistent with the upper mantle 87Sr/88Sr ratios of various ages within experimental error. There is a positive correlation between the initial 87Rb/85Rb ratios and formation ages of the granitic rock samples, as it is expected from 87Rb decay. Further evaluation of the instrumental isotopic mass fractionation and relative sensitivities for Rb and Sr are required before the in situ 87Rb-87Sr measurement is routinely applied as a dating method.

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