
AbstractThin crystals of La2O3, La2/3TiO3, La2TiO5, and La2Ti2O7 have been irradiated in situ using 1 MeV Kr2+ ions in the Intermediate Voltage Electron Microscope-Tandem User Facility (IVEM-Tandem), at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). We observed that La2O3 remained crystalline to a fluence greater than 3.1 × 1016 ions cm-2 at a temperature of 50 K. The four binary oxide compounds in the two systems were observed through the crystalline-amorphous transition as a function of ion fluence and temperature. Results from the ion irradiations give critical temperatures for amorphisation (Tc) of 840 K for La2Ti2O7, 865 K for La2/3TiO3, and 1027 K for La2TiO5. The Tc values observed in this study, together with previous data for TiO2, are discussed with reference to the phase diagrams for La2O3-TiO2 systems and the different local environments within the crystal structures. Results suggest an observable inverse correlation between Tc and melting temperature (Tm) in the two systems.

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