
Ion beam-induced, crystalline-to-amorphous transition was studied for crystalline MgO (periclase), α-Al 2O 3 (corundum), SiO 2 (quartz), MgSiO 3 (enstatite), Al 2SiO 5 (sillimanite, andalusite, kyanite), 3Al 2O 3 · 2SiO 2 (mullite), Mg 3Al 2Si 3O 12 (pyrope), and Mg 2Al 4Si 5O 18 (cordierite). Samples were irradiated with 1.5 MeV Xe + at temperatures from 15 to 1023 K, and the dose required for amorphization was determined by in situ transmission electron microscopy. Results suggest a parallel between the susceptibility to ion beam irradiation-induced amorphization and the ease of glass formation. The critical amorphization doses of ion irradiation for the crystalline phases are related to the viscosities of melts of equivalent compositions through the activation energies of both processes. Doses required for amorphization have a negative correlation with viscosities at melting temperatures.

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