
The dynamics of electrostatic ion acoustic solitons collision in relativistic magnetized spin-polarized plasma is studied using a Magnetized Relativistic Quantum Hydrodynamics model. The plasmas components are relativistic degenerate electron with spin-up (n e↑) and spin-down (n e↓) concentrations, and relativistic inertial classical ions. In two-dimensional plasma geometry, a homogeneous external magnetic field is provided along the z-direction, i.e. . The extended Poincare Lighthill Kuo (PLK) approach is used to calculate the Kortewegde Vries equations for oppositely moving ion-acoustic solitons. Before and after collision, their trajectories and associated phase shifts are computed. Only negative polarity pulses of ion acoustic solitons are observed in our stated relativistic magnetized plasma. The spin density popularization ratio κ is shown to have a significant impact on the phase shifts of colliding solitons. It is found that when κ increases, one soliton's phase shift increases while the other soliton's phase shift decreases. The relativistic effects are also analyzed numerically and found that the phase shift of colliding ions acoustic solitons grows as the relativistic component rises from weakly to ultra-relativistic. It is observed that the phase shift of both solitons is to be dependent on their phase velocity with each other. Our research is noteworthy in that it focuses on, the astrophysical systems such as white dwarf, neutron star and pulsar.

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