
The paper argues for the need to involve the public in decision-making on abandoned community real estate property in small communities with limited financial resources. This can be achieved by giving the public the opportunity to express their opinion via a survey. For this purpose, a specific approach was developed which involves conducting a survey and evaluating the results. A particular weighting factor is given for each chosen rank of indicator. A system of 50 indicators for five different groups (interior, exterior, environment, historical and cultural value, and finance) is proposed. The indicators are divided into 38 incentives and 12 disincentives, in accordance with their impact on the final assessment of the real estate property. An example of an assessment is given and it is proposed that the survey results be categorised and analysed based on the age of respondents. The aim of this paper is to develop a way of investigating the opinion of the local community regarding abandoned municipal real estate property in the cheapest and easiest way, applicable even in small villages. Not only will this ensure the assessment is carried out, it will also involve more people in community life and increase their interest. Public participation in solving community affairs is crucial when it comes to increasing the interest of residents in the life of the territory in particular and the effective development of civil society in general. At the initial stage citizens may only engage in one-time participation; however, in the future a critical mass of caring locals will be formed who can bring forward new ideas and offer innovative solutions.

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