
Involving patients as partners in research enables their concerns, perspectives, lived experiences, and priorities to be integrated into research. Involving patient partners improves research processes, outcomes, and translating findings into practice. Although musculoskeletal researchers consider it is important to involve patient partners, few projects involve them. Researchers who involve patient partners report that the contributions of patient partners are very valuable, and researchers perceive the process to be less challenging than expected. Musculoskeletal research is staring at a significant unrealised opportunity to enhance the quality and impact of research and reduce research waste-think what the field could achieve if researchers and patients worked better together. A culture change is needed so that involving patient partners in musculoskeletal research becomes standard practice, expected and supported by funders, journals, research institutions and researchers alike. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, Epub 12 May 2022. doi:10.2519/jospt.2022.10986.

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