
Plants have evolved many systems to prevent undesirable fertilization. Among these, incompatibility is a well-organized system in which pollen germination or pollen tube growth is inhibited in pistils. We previously found that a novel one-way pollen–stigma incompatibility response [unilateral incompatibility (UI)] occurred between two self-incompatible Brassica rapa plants, a Turkish line, and a Japanese cultivated hybrid variety, “Osome.” Pollen from the Turkish line is rejected on the stigma of the Osome line, but the reverse cross is compatible; such a UI phenotype closely resembles self-incompatibility (SI). The pollen factor of this UI has been genetically explained by a single locus which is different from the S-locus. In this study, we performed further genetic analyses of this intraspecies UI and showed that the stigma factor was also controlled by a single locus, and we named the loci corresponding to the stigma and pollen factors of the intraspecies UI, stigmatic unilateral incompatibility (SUI), and pollen unilateral incompatibility (PUI) loci, respectively. Interestingly, segregation analyses of SUI and PUI indicated that they are closely linked to each other and behave as a single unit. To investigate the effect of an SI-related gene, MLPK in this UI, we produced segregation lines for SUI and mlpk. A distorted segregation ratio of SUI phenotype in an mlpk background indicated involvement of MLPK in SUI, suggesting the existence of an MLPK-dependent novel pollen–stigma recognition mechanism.

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