
Involution words are variations of reduced words for twisted involutions in Coxeter groups. They arise naturally in the study of the Bruhat order, of certain Iwahori-Hecke algebra modules, and of orbit closures in flag varieties. Specifically, to any twisted involutions $x$, $y$ in a Coxeter group $W$ with automorphism $*$, we associate a set of involution words $\hat{\mathcal{R}}_*(x,y)$. This set is the disjoint union of the reduced words of a set of group elements $\mathcal{A}_*(x,y)$, which we call the atoms of $y$ relative to $x$. The atoms, in turn, are contained in a larger set $\mathcal{B}_*(x,y) \subset W$ with a similar definition, whose elements we refer to as Hecke atoms. Our main results concern some interesting properties of the sets $\hat{\mathcal{R}}_*(x,y)$ and $\mathcal{A}_*(x,y) \subset \mathcal{B}_*(x,y)$. For finite Coxeter groups we prove that $\mathcal{A}_*(1,y)$ consists of exactly the minimal-length elements $w \in W$ such that $w^* y \leq w$ in Bruhat order, and conjecture a more general property for arbitrary Coxeter groups. In type $A$, we describe a simple set of conditions characterizing the sets $\mathcal{A}_*(x,y)$ for all involutions $x,y \in S_n$, giving a common generalization of three recent theorems of Can, Joyce, and Wyser. We show that the atoms of a fixed involution in the symmetric group (relative to $x=1$) naturally form a graded poset, while the Hecke atoms surprisingly form an equivalence class under the "Chinese relation" studied by Cassaigne, Espie, et al. These facts allow us to recover a recent theorem of Hu and Zhang describing a set of "braid relations" spanning the involution words of any self-inverse permutation. We prove a generalization of this result giving an analogue of Matsumoto's theorem for involution words in arbitrary Coxeter groups.

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